About clay2bricks

Bridging Problems with Solutions

The goal is to develop passive/native problem-solving abilities. We are a unique aggregator that connects the problems presented in current news with innovative research solutions.

Our Inspiration

"The solution often finds itself in the problem, read the question well."

This saying encapsulates our approach at clay2bricks. We believe that by carefully examining and questioning the problems presented in the news, we can often find the seeds of their solutions. Then, knowing about the direction of research allows you to place yourself in the right place at the right time to be part of the solution.

How It Works

We aggregate news articles and research papers, presenting them side by side to show how today's issues can be addressed by tomorrow's change. This distractionless approach ensures you stay informed without spending hours sifting through nonsense.

Key Features

Our Goal

At clay2bricks, we aim to foster innovation by connecting problem-solvers with real-world challenges. We believe that by bridging the gap between news and research, we can speed up the development of practical solutions to global issues.

Your Goal

Whether you're a researcher, journalist, innovator, or simply curious about the world, clay2bricks offers a unique perspective on current events and scientific progress. Join us in exploring the intersection of problems and solutions, and be part of shaping a better future.

Want to know more? Go to our homepage and start reading.