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Astro (View All)
astro-ph.CO (Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics) astro-ph.EP (Earth and Planetary Astrophysics) astro-ph.GA (Astrophysics of Galaxies) astro-ph.HE (High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena) astro-ph.IM (Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics) astro-ph.SR (Solar and Stellar Astrophysics)
Blockchain (View All)
Bitcoin Magazine Bitcoin News Blockchain News CoinDesk CoinGape CoinJournal Cointelegraph CryptoNinjas CryptoPanic CryptoPotato Decrypt NewsBTC The Block
Blogs (View All)
Andrej Karpathy Brendan Eich Bret Taylor Bryan Cantrill Charity Majors Cindy Sridharan Dan Luu Demis Hassabis Eric S Raymond Gwern Branwen Hillel Wayne Ines Montani James Gosling Jeff Atwood Jessie Frazelle Joel Spolsky Kelsey Hightower Patio11 Paul Graham Peter Norvig Rachel Andrew Ray Kurzweil Rich Hickey Richard Stallman Salvatore Sanfilippo Scott Aaronson Stephen Wolfram Tanner Greer Tim Berners-Lee Vicki Boykis Yoshua Bengio
Chemistry (View All)
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Accounts of Chemical Research Chemical Reviews Environmental Science & Technology Journal of Chemical Education Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Journal of the American Chemical Society Nano Letters RESEARCH NEWS The Journal of Organic Chemistry
Computer Science (View All)
cs.AI (Artificial Intelligence) cs.AR (Hardware Architecture) cs.CC (Computational Complexity) cs.CE (Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science) cs.CG (Computational Geometry) cs.CL (Computation and Language) cs.CR (Cryptography and Security) cs.CV (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) cs.CY (Computers and Society) cs.DB (Databases) cs.DC (Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing) cs.DL (Digital Libraries) cs.DM (Discrete Mathematics) cs.DS (Data Structures and Algorithms) cs.ET (Emerging Technologies) cs.FL (Formal Languages and Automata Theory) cs.GL (General Literature) cs.GR (Graphics) cs.GT (Computer Science and Game Theory) cs.HC (Human-Computer Interaction) cs.IR (Information Retrieval) cs.IT (Information Theory) cs.LG (Machine Learning) cs.LO (Logic in Computer Science) cs.MA (Multiagent Systems) cs.MM (Multimedia) cs.MS (Mathematical Software) cs.NA (Numerical Analysis) cs.NE (Neural and Evolutionary Computing) cs.NI (Networking and Internet Architecture) cs.PF (Performance) cs.PL (Programming Languages) cs.RO (Robotics) cs.SC (Symbolic Computation) cs.SD (Sound) cs.SE (Software Engineering) cs.SI (Social and Information Networks) cs.SY (Systems and Control)
Condensed Matter (View All)
cond-mat.dis-nn (Disordered Systems and Neural Networks) cond-mat.mes-hall (Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics) cond-mat.mtrl-sci (Materials Science) cond-mat.other (Other Condensed Matter) cond-mat.quant-gas (Quantum Gases) cond-mat.soft (Soft Condensed Matter) cond-mat.stat-mech (Statistical Mechanics) cond-mat.str-el (Strongly Correlated Electrons) cond-mat.supr-con (Superconductivity)
Economics (View All)
econ.EM (Econometrics) econ.GN (General Economics) econ.TH (Theoretical Economics)
Globe (View All)
ABC News Australia ABS TV Antigua Barbuda BBC World News UK CBC Barbados Canal 2 Nicaragua Canal 6 El Salvador Channel NewsAsia Singapore DW Germany All Top Stories DW Germany Asia News DW Germany Business News DW Germany Culture Lifestyle DW Germany Environment News DW Germany Europe News DW Germany News DW Germany Science News DW Germany Sports News DW Germany Top Stories DW Germany Travel DW Germany World News EMTV PNG France 24 Africa France 24 Americas France 24 Asia Pacific France 24 Europe France 24 France France 24 Middle East JIS Jamaica Japan Times NYT Africa NYT Americas NYT AsiaPacific NYT Europe NYT MiddleEast NYT World Press TV Africa Press TV Americas Press TV Asia Pacific Press TV Europe Press TV Society Press TV UK Press TV US Press TV West Asia RNZ New Zealand RT Russia SBS News Australia SVT Sweden Sky News UK TASS Russia TN23 Guatemala TV Safina Tajikistan Televicentro Honduras WP World World Crunch Xinhua China
High Energy Physics (View All)
gr-qc (General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology) hep-ex (High Energy Physics - Experiment) hep-lat (High Energy Physics - Lattice) hep-ph (High Energy Physics - Phenomenology) hep-th (High Energy Physics - Theory)
Law (View All)
ABA Journal Above the Law EJIL: Talk! Global Arbitration Review Just Security Kluwer Arbitration Blog SCOTUSblog UN Human Rights - Law and Crime Prevention UN Human Rights - News WIPO Pressroom World Trade Organization
Maths (View All)
math-ph (Mathematical Physics) math.AC (Commutative Algebra) math.AG (Algebraic Geometry) math.AP (Analysis of PDEs) math.AT (Algebraic Topology) math.CA (Classical Analysis and ODEs) math.CO (Combinatorics) math.CT (Category Theory) math.CV (Complex Variables) math.DG (Differential Geometry) math.DS (Dynamical Systems) math.FA (Functional Analysis) math.GM (General Mathematics) math.GN (General Topology) math.GR (Group Theory) math.GT (Geometric Topology) math.HO (History and Overview) math.IT (Information Theory) math.KT (K-Theory and Homology) math.LO (Logic) math.MG (Metric Geometry) math.MP (Mathematical Physics) math.NA (Numerical Analysis) math.NT (Number Theory) math.OA (Operator Algebras) math.OC (Optimization and Control) math.PR (Probability) math.QA (Quantum Algebra) math.RA (Rings and Algebras) math.RT (Representation Theory) math.SG (Symplectic Geometry) math.SP (Spectral Theory) math.ST (Statistics Theory)
Memetics (View All)
Know Your Meme Editorials Know Your Meme Memes Know Your Meme News Know Your Meme Submissions Know Your Meme
News (View All)
AV Club Al Jazeera Apple Insider Ars Technica Axios Last 200 Axios News Bleeping Computer CNBC China Underground Digital Trends DomainIncite DomainNameWire Drudge Report ECNS Engadget Esquire Fact Check FastCompany Fox Business Fox News GameSpot HPCWire Hacker News Recent Hacker News Trending Heavy Kotaku Lifehacker Mashable NPR New Republic New Scientist New York Times New Yorker NextBigFuture PC Gamer Phoronix Politico Congress Quantum Magazine Quartz Salon Scientific American Semafor Serve the Home Slashdot TMZ TechCrunch TechInAsia TechMeme TechRadar The Hill The Intercept The Moscow Times The Onion The Points Guy Vanity Fair Wall Street Journal Lifestyle Wall Street Journal Markets Wall Street Journal Opinion Wall Street Journal US Business Wall Street Journal World News Wired AI Wired Backchannel Wired Business Wired Culture Wired Gear Wired Guide Wired Ideas Wired Science Wired Security Yahoo Finance
Nonlinear Sciences (View All)
nlin.AO (Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems) nlin.CD (Chaotic Dynamics) nlin.PS (Pattern Formation and Solitons) nlin.SI (Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems) nucl-ex (Nuclear Experiment) nucl-th (Nuclear Theory)
Physics (View All)
physics.acc-ph (Accelerator Physics) (Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics) (Applied Physics) physics.atom-ph (Atomic Physics) (Biological Physics) physics.chem-ph (Chemical Physics) physics.class-ph (Classical Physics) physics.comp-ph (Computational Physics) (Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability) physics.ed-ph (Physics Education) physics.flu-dyn (Fluid Dynamics) physics.gen-ph (General Physics) physics.geo-ph (Geophysics) physics.hist-ph (History and Philosophy of Physics) physics.ins-det (Instrumentation and Detectors) (Medical Physics) physics.optics (Optics) physics.plasm-ph (Plasma Physics) physics.pop-ph (Popular Physics) physics.soc-ph (Physics and Society) (Space Physics) quant-ph (Quantum Physics)
Quantitative Biology (View All)
q-bio.BM (Biomolecules) q-bio.CB (Cell Behavior) q-bio.GN (Genomics) q-bio.MN (Molecular Networks) q-bio.NC (Neurons and Cognition) q-bio.OT (Other Quantitative Biology) q-bio.PE (Populations and Evolution) q-bio.QM (Quantitative Methods) q-bio.SC (Subcellular Processes)
Research News (View All)
Nature Research PWC Greatest PWC Latest PWC Trending Science Advances Science Careers Science First Release Science Immunology Science Journal Science News Current Science Pipeline Science Robotics Science Signaling Science Technology
Statistics (View All)
stat.AP (Applications) stat.CO (Computation) stat.ME (Methodology) stat.ML (Machine Learning) stat.TH (Statistics Theory)
Systems (View All)
eess.AS (Audio and Speech Processing) eess.IV (Image and Video Processing) eess.SP (Signal Processing) eess.SY (Systems and Control)
University (View All)
Carnegie Mellon University News Harvard Gazette MIT News MIT Technology Review Biomedicine MIT Technology Review Business MIT Technology Review Computing MIT Technology Review Energy MIT Technology Review Mobile MIT Technology Review Robotics MIT Technology Review Stories MIT Technology Review TopNews MIT Technology Review Views McGill University News National University of Singapore News Stanford News University of British Columbia News University of Cambridge News University of Michigan News University of Pennsylvania News University of Washington News Yale University News